Cigar growing in Nicaragua

The Cigar Sector in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is now recognised as one of the world’s leading producers of high-quality cigars, rivalling the likes of Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Although tobacco production in this Central American country has deep roots going back centuries, it is only in recent decades that Nicaragua has truly earned its place on the global cigar scene.

One of the main tobacco-growing regions in Nicaragua is Estelí, a town in the north of the country. The region’s mineral-rich climate and soil are particularly favourable for growing tobacco. Estelí is often compared to the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, renowned for producing some of the best tobacco in the world. As a result, Nicaraguan cigars are often prized for their richness, complexity and strength.

Nicaragua is home to a number of cigar plantations and factories, some of which are internationally renowned. Among the most famous are Padron, Oliva, My Father Cigars, and Drew Estate, all respected for their meticulous craftsmanship and top-of-the-range products. These factories employ traditional fermentation and ageing techniques, while innovating with unique tobacco blends that appeal to cigar lovers the world over.

The Nicaraguan cigar industry has also made a significant contribution to the local economy. It creates thousands of jobs in both rural and urban areas, from tobacco growing to cigar production and international marketing. In addition, the growth of cigar tourism has also boosted the economy, with many cigar enthusiasts visiting Nicaragua to experience first-hand the manufacturing process of their favourite brands.

Activity: Make your own cigar in Nicaragua

For cigar lovers, a visit to Nicaragua wouldn’t be complete without immersing yourself in the art of cigar making. A particularly popular activity is to take part in a cigar-making workshop, where you can not only learn about the different stages of production, but also roll your own cigar.

The Fabrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua, located in Estelí, offers an immersive experience for visitors. On this guided tour, you can explore the tobacco plantations, visit the fermentation and ageing facilities, and watch the craftsmen at work in the rolling workshop. Each stage of the process is explained in detail, allowing you to understand how the tobacco leaves are carefully selected and prepared to create the perfect cigar.

One of the highlights of the visit is the rolling workshop, where you have the chance to make your own cigar under the supervision of an experienced torcedor. You’ll learn how to select the right tobacco leaves for the wrapper, binder and filler, then roll them together to form a cigar. It’s a delicate process that requires patience and precision, but it’s also an incredibly satisfying experience to see and smoke a cigar you’ve created with your own hands.

This activity is not only educational, but also offers a unique insight into the tradition and craftsmanship behind each cigar. For those looking to deepen their passion for cigars or simply enjoy an authentic Nicaraguan experience, taking part in a cigar-making workshop is a must-do activity.